Friday, March 28, 2008


Somewhere it's Springtime,but it sure isn't Washington..
We had a little snow yesterday,and then some rain..
Today when mom got up and looked out the door,she mumbled
something about a blizzard outside..
Yep,sure enough,it was snowing realllly hard.
I stayed in bed where it was warm while mom got ready for work..
It was really cold all day..
Mom said that the blizzard lasted for about three hours while she
was at work...
Then is rained again,and did most of the night..
Mom got a call from my Auntie Joanie tonight..
Boy can thoses two talk..Over three house..
I heard my cousin Nickie in the background,not sure what he was
saying,you know with mom and Auntie Joanie talking,I couldn't
hear him real well...
Mom fixed our dinner and we ate it the whole time she was on the
phone with Auntie Joanie..
I got a package in the mail today from my Grandma J in Indiana..
It's my very own car seat..
Really kool too..
Mom said she would put it together tomorrow after she gets home from work..
I'm so excited,I can't wait till tomorrow..
Well,mom says it's time for me to sign off for tonight,and get ready for bed..
It's been a realllly long day for mom..
She went into work early because her boss has been sick,and she wanted to let him
go home early..
He's a really nice man
Hope everyone has a great week-end..
I love you all
God Bless
Shadow Dancer

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