Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good evening everyone....
Hope all have had a good day..
Kodie and I didn't do much today,just snoozed
and ran around the yard..

At one point when mom let us out we were really
We ran out the door and right across the street..
Boy did mom get mad at us and tell us we were
very bad boy's.
Guess we won't do that again..

Mom's BP has been dropping again,so she has to drink
lots of G2 water.
I worry about her sometimes.
The doctor told her that she doesn't have enough
liquids in her system and that's why she get's dizzy and cold,
and it makes her BP go really low..

Mom and dad were at the landlords house today painting..
So me and Kodie stayed home and protected things for them.
Were really good watch furkids...

I want to thank my Cousin Mary Margaret for getting mom
to let me start blogging again..
Thanks Cuz...

Ok,I guess that's about it for today..
Take care,have a wonderful evening.
God Bless
Shadow Dancer

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hi Everyone
I know it's been a really long time sense I've been on here..
Just so much has been going on..
Mom had to retire do to health issues,we moved,
and I got a new baby brother..
We moved in with my daddy..
Got lots of green grass to roll in and sniff..
Lots of really big tree's to check out..
Just ever so much fun...
And now about my new baby brother..
His name is Kodie Blue and he's a rescue from
the same place I came from.
My Auntie Valeri runs the rescue and she told mom
about Kodie and mom told daddy,and the day before
Easter,they went down to Seattle and got Kodie and
brought him back..
I wasn't thrilled at first,but I got used to him..
He's pretty kool,for a baby brother..
He's a lot bigger than me,but still about 3 1/2 years younger
than me,so that makes him my baby brother..
Now I have some real exciting news.
In 8 day's my Grandma Liz is moving down here to be
with us...
I just love Grandma Liz.
Her and mom are best of friends.
She's my daddy's mom..
Now for other new's..
We have two baby brother puppy's...
Their Golden Retriever/Lab/Rotty..
Their about 9 or 10 weeks old and already bigger than me..
Thor is Grandma's and Weiser is Daddy,s..
Their mom Bear the Golden belongs to my Auntie Mary,daddy's sister..
Talk about peskie..Geez..
They chase me and Kodie all over the yard..
I snap at them and run..
They have the nerve to head butt me in my behind...
Not nice at all...
And then they go after Kodie..He's not one bit afraid of them..
Ok,guess that's it for now..
I will try real hard not to be gone so long...
But when things get crazy around here,there's no telling when I
will be back...
But I made a promise to my cousin Mary Margaret that I would try
and start posting again...
This one's for you Cuz MM..
Love and God Bless
Shadow Dancer