Saturday, July 5, 2008

Malamute Puppies

Hi everyone,it's Sat. night and mom and I have been looking at
the picture of her friends malamute puppies..
Aren't they just adorable...
We finally figured out how to post them..
Thinks are doing great here..
My mouth is feeling a lot better..
Even ate a little steak tonight..
My Uncle Norm came over and had dinner with us again..
He's all alone now,and just needs someone to talk to.
So he talks to my mom and me,and he also plays with me..
Oh,great new's,my Uncle Charlie is back on line...
We sure did miss him..
His puter got sick and wouldn't work anymore,so a nice lady named Debbie and her husband
drove three hours one way to fix it for him...
We sure are glad..
We talked to him on the phone Thurs for almost 45 minutes..
Sure glad mom doesn't have to pay for it..
She has free something so she can call everyone who live's a long long long ways away for free...
Well,it's getting to be that time of night again..
Just wanted to share a picture of the baby malamute...
They are for sale if anyone wants one..
We would,but there just toooo big for me..
Shoot,they were bigger when they were born than I am full grown...
Any,enjoy the picture..
Take care,be kind to each other and God Bless
Shadow Dancer

1 comment:

Grandma Kathy said...

Hi Shadow, Your photos are just gorgeous or should I have said extremely handsome? The Malamute puppies are beautiful too, but not as gorgeous as you. I'm glad you are recovering so quickly from your dental work. I hope you didn't get into too much trouble telling Mommy's age. I'm 72 and every every year of it is clearly visible. Love you and your blogs.